In Sickness

I'm very sorry to say that there won't be a 'proper' post this evening. I have been struggling for the past few weeks with withdrawal symptoms from a drug I've been slowly getting off. I seem to get knocked with the brunt of most possible side effects with anything I take! I've been struggling with little or no sleep for a few weeks now and side effects which combined resemble the flu and migraines. But I managed to rally through to get a post up to avoid disappointment, to avoid disappointing myself if no-one else. I do write my posts in advance but I always like to come up with some form of face art to bring the concept of each post together. And I can't bring myself to post something thats incomplete. In a way this is a good reminder that there is a person behind this blog that is still incredibly unwell. Sometimes it can seem like I am merely recapping my experiences of depression rather than showing that I am still going through this in a big way. I am nowhere near 'in the clear' yet, I doubt that I will live a life completely free of depression, it's an illness which is likely to pop up again throughout life once someone has experienced it initially. I'm OK with knowing that, when the bad periods come around it will be a reminder to cherish the good moments in life and I will truly know that life out of the shadows is and can be so much better than it is right now.


1 comment

  1. So sorry you've been having such a rough time. I missed your face art this week but really well done for getting a blog out and highlighting the downside of meds. Looking forward to you being back to full-on blogging and baking! xx


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