Sleep Hygiene

depression, sleep hygiene, sleep, health, mental health, social anxiety, insomnia

A strange phrase I heard this week from my GP, 'sleep hygiene'. Essentially this entails having a good routine before going to sleep, or attempting it in my case. As you may have already gathered I frequently have insomnia. I can either go to bed feeling exhausted, fall asleep at 10pm and be wide awake at midnight. Other nights I simply can't get to sleep. On average I've been getting 3 hours of sleep a night for...well over a month, possible two months now. So, I set about improving my 'sleep hygiene'.

Good sleep hygiene includes:
  • having a long, hot bath (also good for general hygiene)
  • freshly washed bed sheets- no need to change them every night (!) but it's a nice feeling when you do
  • no tech before bed, switch off the screens and don't be tempted to scroll through Instagram one last time
  • read a book for half an hour before bed, preferable a physical book rather than on a Kindle or tablet
  • light a candle with a relaxing fragrance
  • anything on your mind? Scribble down a note rather than letting things run through your mind

Since I mentioned Insomnia in last week's post, a friend recommended that I take magnesium supplements (thank you!). I looked into it and discovered that a deficiency in magnesium can present itself in the body with eye twitches *check*, cold hands and feet *check*, insomnia or chronic fatigue *big fat check*, anxiety *check*, depression *hello old friend* and irregular heartbeats *thank god there's an explanation*. That's just naming a few symptoms, so check it out and see if any of them apply to you! Taking one or two supplements half an hour before bed can improve the quality and length of sleep. Some people experience WILD dreams as a result of taking magnesium, I already have enough of those thanks to my anti-depressants but if it will perk them up (actually crazy nightmares not dreams) then go ahead. Please ensure you do your research before taking anything, seek advice from your GP and buy any supplements from a good source.

As for candles, be safe! I will not be held responsible for any house fires. However, I will recommend the following candles:
  • Heavenly Sleep candle from This Works. Some people love the pillow sprays they do. I tried them and came out in a pimply rash, probably due to sensitive skin but worth a mention. The candle is gorgeous and the smell lingers long after it has been blown out, getting a waft up the nostrils is rather nice. 
  • Real Luxury 3 wick candle by Neom. I received this one for my birthday, a totally unexpected gift from Robbie. It is a smidge pricier but the fragrance is SO nice, it burns really well and the scent stays in a room for a few days after it has been lit. 
I've linked where you can purchase the candles above, just hover over 'This Works' and 'Neom'. I hope you find something that works for you if you are having sleepless nights. Let me know if you have any other tips and tricks!



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