
Introducing Bunnaroo, this lovely little fella I found underneath the Christmas tree. He's not your average creature, I see him as part bunny part kangaroo, a tonne of bouncing fun. He might not be to everyone's taste, some may cower away in fear of Bunnaroo for they have not come across his kind before. Some may have questions, "why does he look like Sid the sloth?" "if it mights me will I die?" "if I come too close will I catch some horrible illness and turn into a Bunnaroo too?". Questions are welcomed, do not back away in fear, come close and you may well find one of the best characters you've ever come across. The Bunnaroo may be different, you may not have encountered his kind before, but that isn't something to be feared and it doesn't make you ignorant. But please do not run away from him, for this will make him feel uneasy and self conscious, he just wants to know if their are others like him out there, for we all need company, support and peace of mind.

Alas, I have not completely lost the plot. I did indeed receive this guy for Christmas. I feel that we are the same, him and I, some may not understand our characters, that's fine but please take the time to ask questions and attempt to crack the puzzles we are. I have experienced some people who didn't know anything about depression, this doesn't make them ignorant, perhaps they just prefer to only see the good in life, some people dodge the news because it's so gloomy and constantly bares bad news, this is much the same, I have had some people recoil away from me when they realise I have depression, keeping a good distance as if its contagious. Thankfully the majority are interested in what its like to live with this illness and want to learn about how its more than just being sad. My point is that you shouldn't back away form the unknown, if we always did this we'd be missing out on some great discoveries and some incredible people. 



1 comment

  1. Well said, Chels. Before I understood, it was easier to avoid than not know how to help. Then I accepted I might not be able to stop the pain but I can be with someone experiencing depression or grief to ease their suffering.

    Friends pick us up when we fall down & if they can't pick us up they lie down & listen for a while. xx


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