Everyday I'm Puzzling

 Please excuse the lack of photos recently. I'm fairly sure next week's post will be overflowing with them!

 My life currently resembles a puzzle. Pieces are scattered chaotically across a table waiting to be placed together. My OCD tendencies can kick in as I seek out similar pieces, colour code them and make a strategic plan and copious lists. But then what. Is it supposed to be plain sailing from then on?
Perhaps you can find the basic structure, seek out the edges and work your way inwards. That's where it gets busy, and staring out at all the pieces that haven't yet been put in place can be very daunting. But you have your piles right? That provides some relief. Having a basic idea of what you need to do can provide some comfort, but stepping out into the chaos can be terrifying. I often lose myself staring into space whilst thinking about how complicated my life is, and yet the solutions seem so simple. The smallest of moves would set me on the right path to creating the whole picture. And yet its so hard to implement those ides and make those first moves. Sometimes I just want to throw it all in, swipe the table clean of the medley of puzzle pieces and chuck the box into a corner to gather dust. Picture me in the same clothes as yesterday, and most likely the same as the day before that too, laying face down in my bed not wanting to engage with the world around me. These days hurt a lot, they certainly aren't easy 'duvet days'. I lose all concept of time during those days. These days don't matter, they aren't setbacks if I manage to pick myself up again and return to the table once again to give it another go.


1 comment

  1. You've got all the pieces now Chels. Try & focus on just one piece at a time & remember you don't have to complete the puzzle on your own - it's easier & more fun figuring it out together! xx


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