Life Update

A hearty hello to you all, I know it's been a while since I lasted posted. As I explained in my last post I was having a difficult time after the death of a beloved pet, if you didn't see the post I have linked it here for you to read. I've had a break from both of my blogs as I needed some time to adjust without having the little critter around, that and his little home was in my office so the space left in his wake has been enormous and I haven't wanted to face that room for a while.

Since my last post I've been regaining some control over my life. I say some as it seems as if I have a fair few things hovering beyond my grasp and I can't reach out and grab them all at the same time! I've been seeing an acupuncture therapist for a few months now which has been incredible for me. Just having somewhere else to go during the day is nice and I've established a good relationship with Tracey who presses needles into me like a pin cushion for one hour a week. I'll talk more about that in a future post so if you have any questions about acupuncture please send them to my e-mail or comment below and I'll answer them in that blog post.

After a couple of acupuncture appointments in which I have a 10 minute talk through the previous week's activities, highs and lows, I started to feel more comfortable with the idea of seeing a counsellor again. I've had some pretty horrendous experiences with health care professionals from various departments including counsellors. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to trust someone in that way again after having my words twisted back on me which made me feel worse than ever and guilty about everything I had disclosed to them. Seeing Tracey and becoming so comfortable with her made me realise there are genuinely nice people out there who want to listen and help, it's not just about getting paid at the end of the hour! I'll also be writing another post on how I found my new counsellor and how the experience feels so different this time.

Finally, I've been getting on top of my physical health problems of which there are many! It's hard to believe that I am only 23 years old some times as I feel pretty rusty, broken down and generally in need of a full service and oil change! I've had a bit more energy since I've kick-started my sleeping pattern with the help of magnesium supplements. As a result I've finally felt able to start exercising again. I often discredit myself for the amount of exercise I get just from walking Toby every day, but I haven't felt properly fit or comfortable in my skin for so many years now. It's the classic case of summer is coming and I'm not ready for it. I don't think of it as getting "bikini body ready" because that is applicable all year round, you've got a body, get a bikini and bam done. For me it's about not wanting to have another summer come around only for me to feel uncomfortable, wanting to hibernate and chuck on some winter clothes to cover every inch of my body and wondering why I didn't make some changes sooner.

It seems as if taking some time off can be good for the blog! I've got a lot to write about, a lot to share and hopefully some of it will help someone else. I'm also working up the courage to start filming videos. I think the majority will be beauty based. However, I have a few ideas for some videos that could help the readers of this blog. Some will be me recounting things I've already discussed on the blog. Sometimes people struggle to read long pieces of text and take in details, particularly when they are depressed so hearing those words being spoken and seeing someone they could relate to could be beneficial to them. I'll also produce some videos on things I haven't discussed before. My real aim is to show you that there is a real person behind this blog, that you can trust and confide in me if you wish. Much in the same way as this blog, you will only see what I allow you to see through videos, you still don't get the entire story or what someone is really going through when you only see a small viewfinder of them and their life. Anyway, I think it will be beneficial for me too, being able to flex my creative muscles in a new way through producing and editing videos.

No matter how many breaks I take from the blog I hope you all know that I'll always return to it, the exception being if I fall out of love with writing. I can't see that happening any time soon. In the last post I disclosed that I've been working on something big. I don't want to jump the gun so lets just say it's an extended piece of writing that I've been working on for over a year...



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