Working Vacation

 Something I'd like to do a bit more of (inspire).

I've been writing this blog for almost a year now. I am so thankful for all of the kind words and praise I've received in response to what I have written. I never thought I'd get even 100 views on this blog never mind over 11,000. Some days can be a real struggle for me, I'm sure others struggle too. There can be days where nothing goes to plan which can be really frustrating. Having a rough day can be amplified by having depression or anxiety. I feel so disappointed in myself, and I beat myself up over things in a way that I'd never do to another person. Why is it so hard to take care of yourself but often so easy to care for others? I am my worst critic, even if I am pretty chuffed with the outcome of something I'll be incredibly modest and often bashful if others praise me. Although I may not have the largest following for this blog, I feel incredibly guilty about posting content I'm not entirely happy with or  when I really can't post something. Of course there comes a time when it becomes hard to talk about a subject you discuss every week. I've recently felt like I've been repeating myself in blog posts and almost feel like I've exhausted the topic of mental health and depression in particular. In reality I know that these issues are incredibly complex, and I know that I can pull some words out from somewhere to create a post. I never want this to feel like a hard slog or something I don't look forward to doing each week. Finally discussing my past and sharing my experiences and opinions on mental health has really helped me to process what I feel and has helped me empathise with others experiencing similar problems and feelings.

 I feel as if I owe it to my readers, and myself, to take a step back from the blog for a few weeks. I will return. This certainly will not be a break for me, I will be thinking about new content every day. I just want to get back to the feeling of being content with every blog post I produce. I also would love to feel organised by having a store of shiny new photos to accompany blog posts. I've been feeling like I've neglected this blog, my baby, recently as my mind has been wandering towards my plan to launch another blog. Not a 'new' replacement blog as I know some readers might not want to see two different types of content being thrown together on one space of the Internet. I've always loved reading and following beauty bloggers. You will have seen some of my face art projects on this blog, something which I'd like to be doing more of on this new blog as well as product reviews and beauty tutorials. The idea of just setting up beautiful shots for photographs really excites me too. I will never endorse the idea that things make a person happy, I believe that clutter can overwhelm a person physically and mentally. However, I do condone colourful things in life. I seem to surround myself with pencils, pens, lipsticks and eye shadows in every hue.

My mind has been occupied by the thoughts of launching a beauty blog, but I've started straying away from it because I feel guilty for almost cheating on 'Cheerful Chelsea', before I've even started anything! So my aim is to take a working holiday so I can produce the best content I can, but also so I can look after myself before I crack. If you would like to be kept up to date on my progress, thoughts and to see when I will return please follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. All links can be found in the top right corner of the blog. Thank you so much for your support and readership.


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